Outstanding summer programs for teens since 1982

Our Latest Articles & Blogs

  • The End to Our Extravagant Journey

    The End to Our Extravagant Journey 1

    Hello from Arizona, for our final blog post.  It is crazy to think back to day one and remember that we have been travelling together for the last four weeks. Time sure does fly by when you are having fun! Since the last blog post, our trip family visited Las Vegas, Bryce, Utah and Flagstaff, […]

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  • Here’s To a Great Summer!

    Here’s To a Great Summer! 3

    Wow! How on earth did these four weeks fly by so fast? Sitting at the pool together in Scottsdale, Arizona, there is a unified feeling across the space, and an endless chit chat of memories. From our first day in Boulder, it’s amazing to see how much we have grown as a group and how […]

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  • Good Days in the Galápagos Islands

    Here’s To a Great Summer!

    It is hard to believe our trip has come to an end. Our final destination was the Galápagos Islands, a volcanic archipel​ago in the Pacific Ocean. It’s considered one of the world’s foremost destinations for wildlife viewing. Its isolated terrain shelters a diversity of plant and animal species not found elsewhere. Charles Darwin visited in […]

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  • Beachy Days in Sydney, Australia & Honolulu, Hawaii

    Beachy Days in Sydney, Australia & Honolulu, Hawaii

    Aloha friends and family! We have been enjoying beautiful Honolulu, our final stop of the trip. But let’s first get you caught up on our last few days in Australia. It feels like Sydney came and went so quickly but that’s only because our packed schedule allowed for so many amazing experiences.  We climbed the […]

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Showing articles 33-36 of 438