Outstanding summer programs for teens since 1982

Our Latest Articles & Blogs

  • The End of our Outstanding Odyssey


    Our trip has come and gone and by the time you’re reading this, our amazing Trip Members will be all settled in at home. Let’s take some time to reflect on our last week together. Previously on Trip 32’s Northwestern adventure, we were participating in some fun team building activities and we were split up […]

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  • That’s A Wrap!

    That’s A Wrap! 1

    It feels as if it was just yesterday when we touched down in London. Now here we are, four countries later, finishing up the last of our adventure in Sorrento, Florence, and Nice. It has been a whirlwind of emotions as we spend the last of our days together, but all the more reason we […]

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  • Act 4: WCC takes UCLA

    Act 4: WCC takes UCLA 2

    Scene 1 – Raging Waters Water Park We made our way to Raging Waters Water Park where we enjoyed an amazing day on the slides. From tubes on the lazy river to the wave pool and everything in between, there were smiles all around. What a great way to spend our day in the sun! […]

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  • Saying Goodbye to San Jose

    Saying Goodbye to San Jose

    Our last stop was in San Jose. Here we completed our final service project and participated in some exciting activities.  We had an amazing experience to working with refugee families at the Humanitarian Foundation in the small town of La Carpio. For 2 days we helped paint the walls in a small community that had […]

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Showing articles 41-44 of 438