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Hola Amigos! Since our last check-in, we’ve been very busy with our service projects, surfing and enjoying the beautiful beaches of Costa Rica. We made our way to a public park where we held a sports camp for the children of La Carpio. Each program member was paired up with one of the local children […]
Buen día! We have been loving our journey around Costa Rica! We finished up the week with some beautiful hot springs in Arenal. Hot springs are heated by the volcanic underground that returns to the earth’s surface, how cool? There was a water slide and some beautiful waterfalls as well. It has been a great […]
Hola from the Amazon rainforest! It’s been an incredible week of travel and service here in Peru. We made our way down from the mountains into the beautiful city of Arequipa, otherwise known as La Ciudad Blanca, or the White City, for the number of white limestone buildings. Arequipa is an old Spanish colonial city, […]
Our group left the remote village of Mae Salak full of gratitude for the hospitality we experienced from the local people. We were inspired to continue our community service work in Chiang Mai, this time providing English lessons to the students at the Watpakoita School. We covered a lot of ground during our six-day stay […]