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What an action-packed week it’s been in Costa Rica! Last week, we volunteered for a second day in La Carpio where we once again had the opportunity to play with children at the community center, as well as help lay concrete in homes. The people there are experiencing a level of impoverishment that we could […]
Our adventure in Costa Rica continued in the Central Valley with Gail, our host who gave us more than just a lesson in service. Gail introduced us to the people we helped, which made the experience resonate even more deeply. Many of our trip members made close friendships with the children at the school. One young boy named […]
Xin Chao (hello) from Vietnam! As we approach the halfway point of our trip, there is so much we have experienced and explored together. As our days in Hanoi came to an end we continued our adventures in Halong Bay. After playing a few bus games like the Bachelor and Name That Tune, we stopped […]
From the first minute at the airport in Quito, our group was off to a great start, and one could have thought that everyone had known each other for years. Since then, we’ve had six incredible days of sightseeing and immersing ourselves in the culture of Ecuador. We kicked off our first day in Quito […]