Outstanding summer programs for teens since 1982

Community Service

  • Our Big Day at Machu Picchu – Peru Community Service

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    Hola friends and family! We are on the train back from Aguas Calientes as we write this, on our way to Cusco, our last stop. Since we last wrote we’ve done and seen a lot! Our last service day was in Ollantaytambo, where we learnt how to make adobe bricks with mud and straw. Ethan […]

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  • A Cultural Experience in Baños – Community Service Ecuador & The Galapagos

    Upon arriving in the Amazon, we settled into our cabanas along the Napo River before the beginning of our service the following morning. We worked alongside the community members to construct a large waste bin along the path entering the village. The process consisted of chopping the bamboo into strips to serve as the foundation, […]

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  • Natural Beauty in Oahu & Kauai – Community Service Hawaii

    Aloha Kakou! The team has nicely settled into our Hawaiian home! Since last checking in, we finished exploring Oahu, ventured to a new island, and completed two new service projects. With a few days left in Oahu, we made one particularly important stop – Pearl Harbor. It was a powerful learning experience for us all, as […]

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  • Teaching English and Touring Temples -Community Service Thailand

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    We have been in Thailand for just over a week now, and the program has been absolutely phenomenal so far! We landed in Bangkok, Thailand’s capital city, ready to take everything in! Everyone experienced all of the major sights and sounds, including a street food tour, night market, longboat rides, and “tuk-tuk” (taxi) rides through the […]

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Showing articles 97-100 of 135