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We’ve seen, learned, and accomplished so much since our last blog post! We started our volunteering at Tierra Nuevo, a health center in the south of Quito. On our first day of service, we worked in Tierra Nuevo’s senior care center’s garden and painted their lobby with a fresh coat of paint. We also helped […]
Greetings from Kruger National Park, where we have spent the last nine days settling into the Timbavati Lodge for service projects, game drives, and activities as a group. We have gotten a lot closer and have been loving our time here, as we learn all about South Africa and the Big 5 Species. Beyond that, […]
Our Peruvian expedition continues in Ollantaytambo! After a beautiful countryside drive, we met up with our good friend Rolando, and he led us in a community service project. Trip Members spent the morning making bricks by stomping on mud and packing it into brick molds! When dry, these bricks will be used to build a […]
We couldn’t have asked for a better start to our summer volunteer program in Peru! We began with a flight from Peru’s capital, Lima, to the city of Cusco, where we got to see the beautiful Andes mountains from the air and take in the unique characteristics of landscape and infrastructure of two of Peru’s […]