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Looking for things to do or places to visit in California on your next trip? Look no further. We’ve been running teen summer programs through the golden state for over 40 years, so it’s safe to say we’re in the loop about the best things to do in California. If you’re curious about our expertly-planned […]
Whether your latest summer camp experience was last year or 30 years ago, it was probably one of the highlights of your year. You might not have known it at the time, but while you canoed, played sports, and stayed up too late talking, you were actually doing a lot of learning. Numerous studies have […]
As a student who’s completing 9th through 12th grade you may be wondering how studying abroad in high school benefits you in college. From academic advancement to personal growth, consider the following reasons when trying to decide if a study abroad summer program is a good option for you. Broaden your perspective of the world […]
High school students can get ahead of the crowd by finding ways to start preparing for college, even before the application process begins. Summer is the perfect time to equip yourself with these tools for success, as you won’t have to add anything to your already busy, high school academic year. If you’re wondering where […]