Outstanding summer programs for teens since 1982

Articles by the wccblogger

  • Exploring the Rainforests of Baños

    Exploring the Rainforests of Baños 1

    I LOVE BAÑOS! This was a statement made frequently by trip members in the past couple of days.  Baños de Agua Santa is a city in the Tungurahua province and a gateway to the nearby Amazon Basin. It is well known for its active Tungurahua volcano, mineral-rich hot springs, and enormous waterfalls.  Our gorgeous hotel, […]

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  • Having a Blast in Boston

    Having a Blast in Boston 1

    This week we departed from McGill University and started our journey towards Boston. After passing the border, we made a quick stop for a tour at the University of Vermont. The students particularly enjoyed seeing the green spaces of the environmental studies building that houses exotic plants, which are non-native to Northern United States climates. […]

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  • Leaving Lasting Impressions on La Carpio

    Leaving Lasting Impressions on La Carpio 1

    We’ve had a fun-filled few days and are enjoying life here in San Jose, Costa Rica! We’ve spent our time bonding as a group and have learned that our program members have come from all over the world! We are already feeling like one big family.  When we first arrived in San Jose, the group […]

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  • WOWed by Wyoming

    WOWed by Wyoming 1

    We arrived in Cody, Wyoming and settled into our cozy cottage-like cabins. For our evening program, we played a game called ‘Hot Seat’ where trip members got to ask each other questions in order to get to know one another better. It was a great program that really helped trip members bond.  For our first […]

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Showing articles 57-60 of 430